
Quality Management System

Advanced Quality Management System – Powered by Real-Time Data

Focus on RFT

Managing Right First Time (RFT) is challenging; audits reconcile but often miss root causes, prioritizing outcomes over processes and leading to high WIP, rework, and delays in corrective actions.

Driving Granular Visibility into Quality Performance

Focus on RFT, ensuring reduced defect WIP at endline stations & lower rework cost. A robust QMS helps ensure real time control on both operator wise audits & operation wise performance. With Solvei8 QC managers ensure 90%+ RFT.

  • DHU breach drives escalation to Quality Manager
  • Mark first time through, defect, reject and rectified against every garment in an easy-to-use traffic colour based system
  • Track top 3 defects
  • Track top 3 operations causing defects
  • Track remaining defectives in the line

Traffic Light System

Capture clear, precise, and dynamic quality check updates using an end-to-end TLS solution. The TLS module helps identify potential defects at an early stage and allows your QC and line supervisors to take corrective actions.

  • Track every inspection by the roaming QC operator across any number of rounds, operators, and operations.
  • Set up a custom scoring mechanism to grade operator quality performance.
  • Conforms to modern TLS audit processes.
  • Analyze and view detailed audit trails and transaction logs across 15+ quality reports.

Easy-to-use interface. Multilingual support. Minimal manual data entry, with complete history prefilled upon scanning the QR code. Operators focus on inspection; Solvei8 handles the rest.

  • Color-coded for quick interaction.
  • Mark defects directly on the bodice.
  • Pre-populated list of defects and operations mapped.
  • Includes built-in image capturing for defect audits.

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Focus on RFT

Data-driven quality management for apparel manufacturing.