
Ananta Group - Bangladesh


Production Management & Quality Control




Production Management System


Cloud services


Data analysis

Solvei8 for Denim Manufacturers

Ananta manufactures 3 million garments a month, spanning denim, suits, and lingerie. With a strong focus on fabric and wash R&D, they are also committed to measuring environmental impact as a leading denim manufacturer. Due to their high production volumes and frequent style changeovers, Ananta requires an easy-to-manage, visual production tracking system to manage multiple product types (denim, suits, lingerie).

Solvei8 offered a user-friendly QR code-based system tailored to each factory's unique processes. This ensured seamless integration of our Quality Management System (QMS) and Production Management System (PMS) with individual factory workflows. Additionally, Solvei8 implemented a washing management system supporting customized wash programs for different styles and multiple processes. This strategic move led to the following positive implications:

  • Production Control - Enabled production tracking from Fabric Inspection all the way till packing
  • Production Control - Capability to handle multiple embellishment & washing cycles, ensuring 100% traceability down to a per pc level
  • Production Control - Implemented a Cut Supermarket process to manage efficient line feeding & eliminate WIP buildup
  • Quality Management - Rework & RFT Tracking to ensure high RFT as a manufacturing KPI
  • Language Localisation - All input/output applications support Bangla, ensuring high user adoption
  • Business Intelligence - Predictive trend analysis plugged into the production control board to have proactive control on Day targets.
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Solvei8 for Outerwear Manufacturers

Appareltech Vietnam

Production Management & Quality Control

Solvei8 for Outerwear Manufacturers


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