
Appareltech Vietnam


Production Management & Quality Control




Production Management System


Cloud services

Tech consulting

Solvei8 for Outerwear Manufacturers

Multiple RFID & QR code systems were trialled in the Vietnam unit, however they were unsuccessful in handling high SMV garments (outerwear) with multiple processes & value additions. Manual reporting restricted proactive actions on production issues

Solvei8 proposed a modular architecture setup in collaboration with the factory team, incorporating multiple hardware integrations to facilitate seamless data flow. They included features such as WIP validation, supporting embellishment, seam sealing, rework, and panel replacement to accommodate the complexity of their processes. In addition, custom escalations were implemented, enabling digitized line-level operation control with upstream alerts and escalations, as well as per-piece tracking and component-level tags.

Some critical components which helped Appareltech meet their objectives:

  • Production Control - Per Pc tracking + component level Tracking with inbuilt validation across departments
  • Production Control - Embellishment Module, with style wise routing to track embellishment
  • Quality Management- QMS with Operation wise root cause analysis. Rework WIP tracking ensuring 100% traceability.
  • Quality Management - Integrated QMS with TLS, End Line QC. Defects were identified & rectified at source.
  • Quality Management - Image capturing at QC for detailed reporting and future training.
  • Operational Intelligence - Report Configuration tool to drive high overlap with customer formats
  • Language Localization - Support for Vietnamese language, ensuring high user stickiness

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Solvei8 for Denim Manufacturers

Ananta Group - Bangladesh

Production Management & Quality Control

Solvei8 for Denim Manufacturers


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